I was shocked at the almost complete lack of online code samples for establishing connections through a SOCKS proxy with network sockets in C. SOCKS protocol is specified in RFC 1928.
Here is code I have used successfully to connect to a locally installed Tor SOCKS proxy:
Here is code I have used successfully to connect to a locally installed Tor SOCKS proxy:
fd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0); if (fd < 0) { exit(1); } struct sockaddr_in s; s.sin_family = AF_INET; s.sin_port = htons(9050); s.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(""); eid = connect(fd, (struct sockaddr *) &s, sizeof s); //Connect to Tor Proxy if (eid < 0) { exit(3); } //SOCKS 5 protocol stuff starts here //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// char sbuffer[256]; char *ptrBuff; ptrBuff = sbuffer; *(ptrBuff++) = 0x05; //socks protocol version 5 *(ptrBuff++) = 0x01; // supporting 1 auth method, 1) no auth 2) user pass auth *(ptrBuff++) = 0x00; send(fd, sbuffer, ptrBuff - sbuffer, 0); recv(fd, sbuffer, 2, 0); if (sbuffer[1] == 0xFF || sbuffer[1] != 0x00) { exit(1); } ptrBuff = sbuffer; *(ptrBuff++) = 0x05; // socks version *(ptrBuff++) = 0x01; // sending CONNECT command *(ptrBuff++) = 0x00; // Reserved *(ptrBuff++) = 0x03; // address type - 1 for IPV4, 3 for domain name char* dest_addr = "irc.whatever.com"; *(ptrBuff++) = strlen(dest_addr); //first byte records length of domain name string (without the terminating NULL) memcpy(ptrBuff, dest_addr, strlen(dest_addr)); ptrBuff += strlen(dest_addr); unsigned int dest_port = 6667; *(ptrBuff++) = (dest_port >> 8); //port in network byte order - reverse lil endian bytes in int *(ptrBuff++) = (dest_port & 0xFF); send(fd, sbuffer, ptrBuff - sbuffer, 0); recv(fd, sbuffer, 3, 0); if (sbuffer[1] != 0x00) { exit(2); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // From here on write/read from the socket as if you were directly connected to // the desired server
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